What to Expect

The St. Louis Teen Talent Competition is open to High School students in the St. Louis Metropolitan area (a 75-mile radius from the Arch). To participate, students must be enrolled in grades 9, 10, 11, or 12 during the 2024-2025 academic year.

Participate in a St. Louis Tradition and shine!

A panel of judges review each act at the end of each the qualifying round of the competition. Judges will base their scores on the following criteria:

Stage Presence

Technical Ability



2025 Competition Timeline



Registration begins August 1st, 2024 and closes October 6th, 2024.


Registrations are online only; click here to complete the 2025 Registration form:


Student performers compete in a talent category of their choice – dance, instrumentalist, vocalist, or specialty act (i.e.: actor, circus acts, comedian, magician, ect.)

Performance Guidelines

  • Students may only enter ONCE, either as a solo act or as part of a group.
  • Entries may consist of one (1) to six (6) students working together as a group in a cohesive presentation. Students in a group act are not required to attend the same school.
  • Each act must perform for a minimum of two minutes and must not exceed three minutes and thirty seconds.
  • Acts cannot change their talent category or style of their Act after the Preliminary Round. Acceptable adjustments based on the judges’ feedback include improved audio, different costumes, and song choice for vocalists.
  • Acts must perform the same material in the Semi-final and Final Rounds of the Competition.
  • All contestants must be registered before performing in the Preliminary round. Acts may not add or substitute a new student for another after the Preliminary Round of competition.
  • Acts should select material that is “family-friendly” and age-appropriate. Content should not contain foul language, violent subject matter or references to drugs or alcohol. Acts that violate this rule will not be eligible to move on to the next round.
  • Acts may only use one instrumental accompanist for their act.
  • Teen Talent will provide one (1) piano accompanist per act. Acts must notify Teen Talent in advance on their registration paperwork that they intend to use the piano accompanist that the Foundation provides. Acts using the accompanist will be asked to provide their sheet music in the correct key upon registering and in advance of the Preliminary Round.
  • Contestants must participate in the progressive rounds of competition: Preliminary, Semi-Final, and Final Competitions, as well as the mandatory Finalist production meeting, and rehearsal dates for the onstage Finals. Both contestants and parents will be asked to sign an agreement confirming their acceptance of the schedule at preliminaries.

After Registration

The Primary Contact for each registered act will be contacted by Teen Talent to schedule preliminaries and obtain any additional information about the act’s performance, song title, and duration, etc. Registration is now closed. Check back soon to get tickets.



The preliminary round takes place by category October 12th and 13th, 2024 during the following time blocks:
Exact times may be subject to change.

SATURDAY - October 12, 2024

9:00am - 11:30am


12:00pm - 2:30pm


3:00pm - 5:00pm


SUNDAY - October 13, 2024

9:00am - 11:00am

Specialty Acts

10:00am - 12:30pm

Dance Acts

1:00 - 3:00pm


3:00 - 6:00pm



Kirkwood High School – 801 W Essex Avenue, Kirkwood, MO 63122

What to Bring

Acts vary from year to year and student to student, but in general, student performers will need to bring on the day of the preliminaries:

  • Sheet Music
  • Information on the song or piece, including the duration of the piece
  • USB, CD, or link to your music. Do not record on DVD – only CD (NOTE: cell phones and YouTube videos cannot be used to play music)
  • Instrumentalists to bring own amps and cords
  • Nominal props for your act. Do not bring a full set.

What We Provide

  • Piano accompanist
  • Equipment for Playback – Laptop, Stereo and CD Player (cell phones and YouTube videos cannot be used to play music)
  • Professional stage flooring
  • PA System
  • Stage monitor
  • Microphones and stands (up to 6)
  • Chairs (up to 6)
  • Sound Operator
  • Piano
  • Basic Stage Lighting
  • Electricity

Any additional equipment must be provided by the students and at their own expense. Please contact Teen Talent in advance to discuss technical needs at SLTTC@foxpacf.org

During the Preliminaries

Once you arrive at Kirkwood High School, follow the signs to the auditions check-in table where you will receive your act’s audition number and time slot.

After check-in, performers will be escorted to the Green Room. Prior to each performance, acts will have the opportunity to work with the accompanist, rehearse, and become familiar with the audition space. Contestants must stay in the Green Room until their act’s performance is complete. Parents, teachers, and coaches are not allowed in the Green Room.

Upon entering the theatre for your audition, contestants will state their name, age, grade, and the title of the piece they are performing as an introduction to the judges prior to performing.

A panel of performing arts professionals will review each act and provide insightful feedback at the end of each performance. Scores will not be shared with anyone except the production team.

Participating acts will be scored (maximum of 33 points) on the following criteria throughout the competition:

Stage Presence

(10 Points)

Technical Ability

(10 Points)


(10 Points)


(3 Points)

Parents/guardians and family members are welcome to watch in the auditorium. Contestants are welcome to stay after their performance to watch the other acts.

After the Preliminaries

An announcement of the acts moving through to Semi-Finals will be made on social media by noon on Monday, October 14, 2024.



Semi-Finals are a one-day competition taking place Saturday, November 2, 2024, where acts are assigned a two (2) to four (4) hour window by category. Exact times are subject to change.

SATURDAY - November 2, 2024

7:00am - 8:30am

Specialty Acts

8:15am - 10:00am


9:30am - 11:15am


11:00am - 1:30pm

Vocalists - Group 1

1:00pm - 4:00pm

Vocalists - Group 2


Kirkwood High School – Keating Center

801 W Essex Avenue
Kirkwood, MO 63122

What to Bring (Same as Preliminaries)

Acts vary from year to year and student to student, but in general, student performers will need to bring on the day of the preliminaries:

  • Sheet music
  • Information on the song or piece, including the duration of the piece
  • USB, CD, or link to your music. Do not record on DVD – only CD (NOTE: cell phones and YouTube videos cannot be used to play music)
  • Instrumentalists to bring own amps and cords
  • Nominal props for your act. Do not bring a full set.

What We Provide (Same as Preliminaries)

  • Piano accompanist
  • Equipment for playback – laptop, stereo and CD player (cell phones and YouTube videos cannot be used to play music)
  • Professional stage flooring
  • PA System
  • Stage monitor
  • Microphones and stands (up to 6)
  • Chairs (up to 6)
  • Sound Operator
  • Piano
  • Basic stage lighting
  • Electricity

Any additional equipment must be provided by the students and at their own expense. Please contact Teen Talent in advance to discuss technical needs at SLTTC@foxpacf.org

During the Semi-Finals

Once you arrive at Kirkwood High School, follow the signs to the auditions check-in table where you will receive your act’s audition number and time slot.

After check-in, performers will be escorted to the Green Room. Prior to each performance, acts will have the opportunity to work with the accompanist, rehearse, and become familiar with the audition space. Contestants must stay in the Green Room until their act’s performance is complete. Parents, teachers, and coaches are not allowed in the Green Room.

Upon entering the theatre for your audition, contestants will state their name, age, grade, and the title of the piece they are performing as an introduction to the judges prior to performing.

A panel of performing arts professionals will review each act and provide insightful feedback at the end of each performance. Scores will not be shared with anyone except the production team.

Participating acts will be scored (maximum of 33 points) on the following criteria throughout the competition:

Stage Presence

(10 Points)

Technical Ability

(10 Points)


(10 Points)


(3 Points)

Parents, guardians, and family members are welcome to watch in the auditorium. Contestants may stay after their performance to watch the other acts.

After the Semi-Finals

An announcement of Finalist acts will be made on social media by noon on Sunday, November 3, 2024.

Before the Finals

Before the Finalists make their debut on the Fox Theatre stage, there will be a mandatory meeting with all Finalist acts as well as a series of rehearsals. Here is what you need to know about the Finalists production meeting:


Monday, November 4th from 5pm – 9pm


The Finalist meeting will take place in the Fox Club at the Fox Theatre

The Fox Club – Fabulous Fox Theatre
527 N. Grand Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63103

Parking will be provided for all contestants.


All members of each Finalists act must be present along with the primary contact for each act.

What to Bring

Contestants should come prepared to be photographed for a professional headshot and interviewed on camera. Footage from the Teen Talent Competition will be used in the printed program, social media, and video content.

Ruffles, logos, and busy patterns are discouraged for headshots. Your wardrobe should highlight your personality without being distracting.

During the Meeting

At the Finalists production meeting, contestants will meet with:

Scheduling expectations for rehearsals, costume fittings, and one-on-ones will be discussed in depth. Each contestant will be required to complete final competition paperwork and confirm schedule.

It is mandatory that all acts agree to and acknowledge the non-negotiable one-on-ones and rehearsal dates. Failure to comply with all dates may result in removal from the Competition.

What We Provide

Pizza, salad, and assorted desserts will be provided for all contestants and their primary contact.

Each member of an act will be provided with ten (10) tickets in a reserved section for family and friends. Each contestant is limited to 10 special reserved tickets – be aware that if you lose your tickets, there are no replacements.

In addition, 100 tickets will be delivered to each contestant’s high school to be distributed.

The St. Louis Teen Talent Competition is a FREE event and open to the public. Additional general admission tickets are available online or at the Fox Theatre Box Office.

After the Meeting

One-on-ones and rehearsals will begin in March with the following schedules:

December 10 – December 13


3pm – 9pm

Each Finalist Act will have one 90-minute rehearsal with the Artistic Team to rehearse, finalize costumes, props, and additional performance needs.

*Scheduled time will be provided at meeting, attendance only necessary for 1day of one on one coaching

January 11, 12, 14, 15, 17


Times are subject to change

Rehearsals with all finalist acts

January 11    1 – 5pm 
January 12    4 – 10pm**
January 14    4 – 10pm**
January 15    3 – 10pm
January 17    3 – 10pm

**Acts will have scheduled times and will not be needed for full length of rehearsal

January 18
Dress Rehearsal

9am – 5pm

Dress Rehearsal with all finalists

Fabulous Fox Theatre
527 N. Grand Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63103

Parking will be available for all contestants

The Finals

The 2024 St. Louis Teen Talent Competition will take place Saturday, January 18, 2025 at the Fabulous Fox Theatre.


Saturday, January 18, 2025


The Fabulous Fox Theatre
527 N. Grand Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63103

Parking will be provided for all contestants


Finalists are expected to arrive at the Fox Theatre by 10:30am sharp.

What to Bring

Each contestant needs to bring their own mascara and lipstick, and arrive with clean hair for hair and make-up.

What We Provide

Teen Talent will provide snacks, water, and dinner prior to the show.

During the Finals

Contestants will have the following schedule prior to the show for final dress rehearsal:


Arrive at Fox Theatre


Hair and makeup for all acts


Final full-dress rehearsal


Contestants’ dinner


Competition begins


Do you have questions about the St. Louis Teen Talent Competition? We have the answers. Learn the who, what, when, and where to help make your experience one to remember!

The Finalists

Meet the 2025 Teen Talent Finalists and learn more about the exciting awards and opportunities this year’s talented student performers are competing for in addition to performing on stage at the Fabulous Fox!

registration is now closed.

It’s time to shine! Are you ready to see our finalists step into the spotlight for a chance to win college scholarships, cash prizes, and a chance to perform on stage at the Fabulous Fox?

Get tickets for the 2025 St. Louis Teen Talent Competition!