FUSE is a teenage pop band with a rock twist, blending covers and originals into a high-energy performance. The trio consists of Evan Kim (16, junior at Westminster Christian Academy) on vocals, bass, and piano; Billy Stulac (16, homeschooled junior) on bass and guitar; and Ian Nolting (17, junior at Westminster Christian Academy) on drums, piano, and vocals. Together, they will perform their original song In My Dreams, a collaborative creation showcasing their diverse talents.
- Evan began playing music in middle school, inspired by his parents’ love of music. He is a multi-instrumentalist who also plays flute and guitar.
- Billy is a self-taught guitarist and bassist with a passion for rock music, honing his craft over the past two years.
- Ian has been performing since age six, with vocal training from Lisa Campbell Albert and drum coaching from Tim Albert.
Don’t miss this electrifying performance by FUSE!